Stylish Academic Writing

Stylish Academic Writing

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Total Pages: 159

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Elegant data and ideas deserve elegant expression, argues Helen Sword in this lively guide to academic writing.

Doing Academic Writing in Education

Doing Academic Writing in Education

Publisher: Routledge

Total Pages: 246

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Guides educators who are or will be engaged in a variety of academic writing tasks through the writing process with emphasis on connecting professional writing and the personal self.

Essential Actions for Academic Writing

Essential Actions for Academic Writing

Publisher: University of Michigan Press

Total Pages: 347

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

While these novice writers may use English as a second or additional language, this book is also intended for students who have done little writing in their prior education or who are not yet confident in their academic writing.

Success in Academic Writing

Success in Academic Writing

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Total Pages: 233

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

New for this edition: - a new section on managing your physical and mental state -advice on a wider range of assignment types, including recorded presentations, such as vlogs, and blogs -introduction to a wider range of strategies that ...

Demystifying Academic Writing

Demystifying Academic Writing

Publisher: Routledge

Total Pages: 269

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Informative, insightful, and accessible, this book is designed to enhance the capacity of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as early career scholars, to write for academic purposes.

How to Write a Lot

How to Write a Lot

Publisher: Amer Psychological Assn

Total Pages: 149

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions.

A Geopolitics of Academic Writing

A Geopolitics of Academic Writing

Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press

Total Pages: 348

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

This work acts as a critique of current scholarly publishing practices, exposing the inequalities in the way academic knowledge is constructed and legitimized.

Academic Writing: An Introduction - Fourth Edition

Academic Writing: An Introduction - Fourth Edition

Publisher: Broadview Press

Total Pages: 403

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

The book seeks to introduce student readers to the lively community of research and writing beyond the classroom, with its complex interactions, values, and goals.

Inside Academic Writing

Inside Academic Writing

Publisher: University of Michigan Press ELT

Total Pages: 0

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

The text situates students within their writing communities by prioritizing the steps of learning; students are directed to use common threads of academic writing across disciplines.

Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks

Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks

Publisher: SAGE

Total Pages: 376

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

This book provides you with all the tools you need to write an excellent academic article and get it published.

Writing Programs Worldwide

Writing Programs Worldwide

Publisher: Parlor Press LLC

Total Pages: 540

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

WRITING PROGRAMS WORLDWIDE offers an important global perspective to the growing research literature in the shaping of writing programs.

Writing and Identity

Writing and Identity

Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing

Total Pages: 389

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

The main part of the book is based on a collaborative research project about writing and identity with mature-age students, providing: - a case study of one writer's dilemmas over the presentation of self;- a discussion of the way in which ...