CNN 互動英語 2021 年 6 月號 No.249【有聲版】

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Author :
Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis CNN 互動英語 2021 年 6 月號 No.249【有聲版】 by : LiveABC編輯群

Download or read book CNN 互動英語 2021 年 6 月號 No.249【有聲版】 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2021-05-25 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 商業 Trade Block 蘇伊士運河大阻塞 打亂全球貿易 Massive Container Ship Obstructs One of the World’s Busiest Waterways 蘇伊士運河3月23日發生阻塞事件,長榮海運貨櫃船長賜輪打橫擱淺,使得運河雙向航運完全中斷,經過各方努力,六天後終於恢復通行。 科技 Aviation Sensations 超音速、零碳排 展望飛行未來式 Futuristic Aircraft Aim to Change the Way We Travel 轟鳴超音速公司正在研發符合經濟效益的新一代超音速客機,而空中巴士的目標則是打造全球首款零碳排商用客機,必然成為商務飛行不可忽視的新趨勢。 專題報導 The Man behind the Throne 伊莉莎白女王背後的基石──菲利普親王 The Decades-Long Romance between Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip 與英國女王伊莉莎白二世結縭逾70載的菲利普親王4月9日逝世,享耆壽99歲。兩人歷久彌新的深厚情感是英國王室一段令人津津樂道的佳話。 專題報導 The Royal Problem 哈利與梅根高調受訪 重重疑點遭破解 The Inconsistencies in Harry and Meghan’s High-Profile Oprah Interview 英國哈利王子及妻子梅根日前接受歐普拉專訪,帶來不少驚人的爆料,不過事後他們的說法也遭各界仔細檢視,並被指出許多矛盾之處。 社會 Rebuilding the Lady of Paris 巴黎聖母院浴火重生 Restoring Notre-Dame Cathedral to Its Former Glory with Old Oaks 兩年多前遭祝融嚴重毀損的巴黎聖母院的修復工作持續進行中。作為法國人的重要精神象徵,聖母院重建的手法、原料都備受矚目。 娛樂 Musical Connections 線上演唱會推波助瀾 K-Pop魅力不減反增 The South Korea Platform Bringing Live Performances to People’s Homes during the Pandemic 疫情大流行限制了實體演唱會的舉辦,卻也加速了線上演唱會的進化。韓國娛樂圈開發線上演唱會平台,加強即時性及互動性,讓藝人和粉絲連結不間斷。 政治 Up to the Challenge 拜登上任百日 美國挑戰仍鉅 President Joe Biden Grapples with Hate Crimes, Russia and More 拜登政府上任百日,美國仍面臨國內新冠病毒疫情、種族歧視、移民法規問題以及與俄國等國的外交緊張關係。 趣聞 Chaos On-Air 記者在家報新聞 幕前幕後趣事多 The Pitfalls and Difficulties of Broadcasting News from Home 疫情時代的新聞圈,居家攝影棚成了日常,記者連線播報時所發生的各種意外插曲也成了苦中作樂的調劑品。 社會 Virus of Hate 仇恨才是病毒!林書豪籲亞裔團結反歧視 Jeremy Lin Addresses Racial Violence towards Asians and Asian Americans 美國社會中仇視亞裔的現象日益加劇,籃球員林書豪對這種氛圍深感憂心,同時鼓勵美國亞裔人士勇於發聲,捍衛自己的權利。 旅遊 Mario Time! 日本環球影城超級任天堂世界開幕 Super Nintendo World Aims to Give Tourism in Japan a 1UP 超級任天堂世界在日本環球影城正式開幕,園區內不但有遊戲經典角色瑪利歐、路易吉、耀西等,還有互動遊樂設施和主題商店,讓電玩迷有如置身瑪利歐世界。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 North Korea Tests New Missile 北韓測試新飛彈 Democrats and Republicans Clash over Gun Control 再推槍枝管制法 民主黨與共和黨意見分歧 New Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls Found 發現新的死海古卷碎片 知識大圖解 CNN主編教你唸 知名教堂名稱 單字聯想地圖 宗教禮俗 新聞片語通 全方位搞懂CNN Mummies on the Move 埃及木乃伊搬新家 盛大遊行熱鬧滾滾

CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】

Download CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】 PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】 by : LiveABC編輯群

Download or read book CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2021-07-01 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 政治 On the Move 拜登首次國會聯席演說 主訴經濟、國內議題 Joe Biden’s New Proposals on the Table in His First Congress Speech 美國總統拜登在上任100日前夕發表首場國會聯席會議演說,聚焦新冠病毒疫情、經濟、就業機會、教育、種族平權等議題。 商業 The Money Farm 比特幣挖礦熱 恐引發全球能源危機?! The Hunt for Cryptocurrencies Is Causing an Energy Strain 隨著比特幣價格水漲船高,也掀起一股數位挖礦淘金熱,但這種極為耗電的行為竟可能引發一場能源危機?! 人物 From the East to the West 亞裔女導演第一人 趙婷奪奧斯卡最高榮譽 Chloé Zhao Becomes the First Asian Woman to Win an Oscar for Best Director 中國導演趙婷憑藉電影《游牧人生》,接連贏得金球獎、英國電影學院獎及奧斯卡獎的最佳影片及最佳導演獎,為亞裔女導演立下新標竿。 社會 Formosa at Risk 曾經的防疫模範生 台灣為何面臨新冠疫情大爆發? Taiwan Enters Level-3 Restrictions As It Seeks to Contain COVID-19 Outbreak 過去一年多成功防堵新冠病毒疫情的台灣近來本土病例激增,政府緊急發布疫情三級警戒。CNN記者分析台灣此波疫情爆發的原因。 保育 Giants in the Jungle 深入山林 造訪瀕危山地大猩猩 Richard Quest Comes Face-to-Face with Wild Mountain Gorillas 在保育工作的推助下,一度瀕危的山地大猩猩在東非山區復育有成。理查.奎斯特隨嚮導深入牠們的棲地,一訪這種美麗的動物。 社會 A Flame of Remembrance 日本大地震十週年 東奧聖火傳遞希望 Survivors from the 2011 Tsunami to Carry the Olympic Flame 日本大地震、海嘯發生迄今已十年,災難為日本人民心靈造成的傷害仍在癒合中。數名倖存者在東京奧運聖火傳遞活動中說出自己的故事。 政治 Ending the War 阿富汗戰爭二十年 美國宣布全面撤軍 US Troops to Withdraw from Afghanistan after 20 Years 拜登政府上任後的重要任務之一,就是在九一一恐怖攻擊事件二十週年之前,將美軍全數撤離阿富汗。 藝文 Art Is Life 設計趨勢新亮點──首爾東大門設計廣場 Immersive Exhibits Wow Audiences at Seoul’s DDP Building 首爾的東大門設計廣場是許多展覽、服裝秀、會議等重要活動的舉辦地。最新、最潮的韓國趨勢,在這裡都找得到! 旅遊 Premature Flowering 日本櫻花提早盛開 創歷史紀錄 Japan’s Famous Cherry Blossoms Bloom Early because of Global Warming 一年一度的日本櫻花季今年來得特別早,此現象不只意味遊客必須提前賞花,科學家更警告,從宏觀角度來看,這是全球暖化威脅生態系的徵兆。 文化 The Land of Carpets 乘著土耳其地毯 來場穿越時空的魔幻之旅 Richard Quest Discovers the Art of Turkish Rug Making 土耳其地毯不只實用、美觀,更具有深遠的歷史、文化意義,是一項穿古越今的珍貴工藝。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 India’s Coronavirus Crisis 印度的新冠病毒疫情危機 Royal Marines Test “Iron Man” Suit 英國皇家海軍陸戰隊測試「鋼鐵人」裝 Pipeline Cyberattack 美東輸油管公司遭網路攻擊 CNN主編教你唸 證券交易所名稱 單字聯想地圖 股市交易 知識大圖解 新聞片語通 全方位搞懂CNN The Billion-Dollar Breakup 比爾.蓋茲與梅琳達宣布離婚 億萬資產分配受矚目

Live互動英語 2022 年 1 月號 No.249 【有聲版】

Download Live互動英語 2022 年 1 月號 No.249 【有聲版】 PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Live互動英語 2022 年 1 月號 No.249 【有聲版】 by : LiveABC編輯群

Download or read book Live互動英語 2022 年 1 月號 No.249 【有聲版】 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2021-12-25 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 04 Live關鍵時事新聞 09 焦點話題 10 節慶文化 A Happy New Year Starts in the Stomach 新年快樂,從暖胃開始! 14 大師名作選 A Chameleon 〈變色龍〉 18 克漏字 Got Parking Tickets? The "Robot Lawyer" Comes to Save the Day 機器人律師幫你伸張正義! 20 生活情境對話 Dinner at Home 在家下廚 23 英語聽力測驗1 24 焦點人物 Dream Big: Jeff Bezos's Road to Space 夢想遠大:傑夫.貝佐斯的太空之路 28 文化巡遊 Big Ben Is Back! 大笨鐘回來了! 32 追本溯源 Just the Fax: The History and Modern Use of the Fax Machine 傳真機的發展簡史 36 英語聽力測驗2 37 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 40 素養專欄 Paris by Foot: A Walk through the City of Light 漫步在光之城巴黎 45 天南地北說英語 46 原來如此 In Celebration of Fireworks 璀璨煙火知多少 51 主題式會話 Saying Thank You 道謝英語 54 動物趣聞 A Deep Dive into Seahorses 最不像魚類的魚—海馬 58 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 60 唱歌學英語 61 電影快報 62 看預告片學英文 65 中文翻譯與解答 72 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答

Genius At Play

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Author :
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN 13 : 1620405938
Total Pages : 481 pages
Book Rating : 4.32/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Genius At Play by : Siobhan Roberts

Download or read book Genius At Play written by Siobhan Roberts and published by Bloomsbury Publishing USA. This book was released on 2015-07-14 with total page 481 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Monografie over de Britse wiskundige (1937).

Sports Journalism and Coming Out Stories

Download Sports Journalism and Coming Out Stories PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3319627708
Total Pages : 108 pages
Book Rating : 4.00/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Sports Journalism and Coming Out Stories by : William P. Cassidy

Download or read book Sports Journalism and Coming Out Stories written by William P. Cassidy and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-07-28 with total page 108 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book examines how sports journalists covered the historic coming out stories of National Basketball Association (NBA) veteran Jason Collins and football All-American Michael Sam in the context of sports’ “toy department” reputation as a field whose standards are often criticized as lacking in rigor and depth compared to other forms of journalism. Employing a media sociology approach, reporting about Collins and Sam is addressed in the book via three content analysis studies and interviews with two prominent sports journalists. An overview of other pertinent research is provided along with a detailed account of both athletes’ stories. This work should appeal to readers interested in sports journalism, the role of sport in society, and media coverage of gay professional athletes.

Urban Informatics

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 9811589836
Total Pages : 941 pages
Book Rating : 4.36/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Urban Informatics by : Wenzhong Shi

Download or read book Urban Informatics written by Wenzhong Shi and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2021-04-06 with total page 941 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This open access book is the first to systematically introduce the principles of urban informatics and its application to every aspect of the city that involves its functioning, control, management, and future planning. It introduces new models and tools being developed to understand and implement these technologies that enable cities to function more efficiently – to become ‘smart’ and ‘sustainable’. The smart city has quickly emerged as computers have become ever smaller to the point where they can be embedded into the very fabric of the city, as well as being central to new ways in which the population can communicate and act. When cities are wired in this way, they have the potential to become sentient and responsive, generating massive streams of ‘big’ data in real time as well as providing immense opportunities for extracting new forms of urban data through crowdsourcing. This book offers a comprehensive review of the methods that form the core of urban informatics from various kinds of urban remote sensing to new approaches to machine learning and statistical modelling. It provides a detailed technical introduction to the wide array of tools information scientists need to develop the key urban analytics that are fundamental to learning about the smart city, and it outlines ways in which these tools can be used to inform design and policy so that cities can become more efficient with a greater concern for environment and equity.

Child Trafficking in India

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9789383807079
Total Pages : 152 pages
Book Rating : 4.75/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Child Trafficking in India by : Enakshi Ganguly Thukral

Download or read book Child Trafficking in India written by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral and published by . This book was released on 2016 with total page 152 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Annual Energy Outlook 2016 With Projections to 2040

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Author :
Publisher : Government Printing Office
ISBN 13 : 9780160934827
Total Pages : 260 pages
Book Rating : 4.26/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Annual Energy Outlook 2016 With Projections to 2040 by : Energy Dept., Energy Information Administration

Download or read book Annual Energy Outlook 2016 With Projections to 2040 written by Energy Dept., Energy Information Administration and published by Government Printing Office. This book was released on 2017-02-15 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Annual Energy Outlook 2016 presents long-term projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2040. The projections, focused on U.S. energy markets, are based on results from EIA's National Energy Modeling System which enables EIA to make projections under alternative, internally consistent sets of assumptions.

Knowledge for Generations

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons Incorporated
ISBN 13 : 9780470176344
Total Pages : 568 pages
Book Rating : 4.42/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Knowledge for Generations by : Timothy C. Jacobson

Download or read book Knowledge for Generations written by Timothy C. Jacobson and published by John Wiley & Sons Incorporated. This book was released on 2007-10-30 with total page 568 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Media and Entertainment Law Review

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9781804491355
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.57/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Media and Entertainment Law Review by : Benjamin E. Marks

Download or read book The Media and Entertainment Law Review written by Benjamin E. Marks and published by . This book was released on with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: