CNN 互動英語 2019 年 12 月號 No.231 【有聲版】

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Author :
Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis CNN 互動英語 2019 年 12 月號 No.231 【有聲版】 by : LiveABC編輯群

Download or read book CNN 互動英語 2019 年 12 月號 No.231 【有聲版】 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2019-09-01 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上: 人物 For a Greta World 16歲環保鬥士格蕾塔.通貝里 用行動改變世界 The 16-Year-Old Swedish Activist Inspiring Climate Protesters Worldwide 來自瑞典的16歲少女格蕾塔.通貝里發起「為氣候罷課」運動,呼籲政府重視氣候變遷,掀起全球超過100國學生響應的浪潮,格蕾塔也因此獲今年諾貝爾和平獎提名。 環境 The Last Frontier in Peril 北美淨土阿拉斯加 淪為氣候變遷重災區 The Many Ways in Which Climate Change Is Impacting Alaska 阿拉斯加有著優美的景緻和豐富的自然資源,有美國「最後的邊疆」稱號,但科學家卻在這片淨土上發現許多氣候變遷的警訊,令人擔憂不已。 商業 High-Tech Hub 中國交通新動脈 北京大興國際機場啟用 Beijing Daxing International Airport Officially Opens for Business 北京大興國際機場今年九月底啟用,盼能紓解北京首都機場龐大的運量。大興機場除了規模驚人,所採用的高科技也令人眼睛為之一亮。 科技 Lab-Grown Diet 人造肉品將徹底改造人類飲食習慣? Growing Meat Products from a Single Cell Might Change the Way We Eat 為解決糧食匱乏和氣候變遷問題,生技公司積極研發植物肉、試管肉。這些人造肉品可能在不久的將來成為我們餐桌上的常客。 保育 Captain Planet CNN創辦人復育美國野牛救地球 CNN Founder Ted Turner’s Lifelong Quest to Save the Planet 身家億萬的CNN創辦人泰德.透納,買下200 萬英畝的土地,讓5萬頭野牛在大地徜徉,只為了實現兒時夢想,復育美國野牛,也連帶對環保有所貢獻。 生活 The Rice Is Right 一滴入魂 日本清酒走向國際 Exploring the World of Japan’s National Drink 日本清酒因原料、釀造方法、精米度等不同而有變化多端的風味。現在清酒也走出日本,成為全球餐廳、酒吧的新寵兒。 科技 Interstellar SpaceX SpaceX發表地表最強載人太空船 Elon Musk Discusses the Cosmic Future of His Company SpaceX發表新一代載人太空船星際飛船,預計在半年內完成軌道測試。執行長伊隆.馬斯克接受CNN訪問,談談他對航太發展的願景。 健康 New Toxic Trend 揭露電子煙潛藏的健康危機 Comparing the Health Risks of Vaping with Smoking 近日美國出現多起因電子煙而起的肺部疾病致死案例。醫師提醒,雖然電子煙不會產生焦油,但吸入其他化學物質仍可能對人體造成傷害。 娛樂 Brad Astra 布萊德.彼特戲路大突破 首次演出科幻片 Brad Pitt on Tackling a Sci-Fi Movie for the First Time 好萊塢巨星布萊德.彼特與CNN聊聊首次演出科幻片的心得,並透過電影反觀自身的親子關係。 社會 A Royal Legacy 哈利王子出訪非洲 追隨黛妃掃雷志業 Prince Harry Continues Princess Diana’s Fight against Land Mines 英國哈利王子夫婦兩人日前踏上非洲之旅,當中一大重點就是哈利王子延續22年前黛妃為人津津樂道的事蹟——投入掃除地雷的公益事業。 CNN 全球瞭望 Turkey Starts Military Action in Syria 土耳其在敘利亞展開軍事行動 Japan Hit by Typhoon Hagibis 哈吉貝颱風重創日本 Lithium Battery Trio Win Chemistry Nobel Prize 三位鋰電池先驅贏得諾貝爾化學獎 全方位搞懂 CNN License to Thrill 經典007龐德車現身拍賣會 驚豔全場! CNN主編教你唸 酒類品牌 Interstellar SpaceX SpaceX 發表地表最強載人太空船 Elon Musk Discusses the Cosmic Future of His Company ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR Welcome back. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is predicting his space travel company may be able to fly humans into orbit within a year for billions of dollars less than he had expected. Now, he made these comments on Saturday at the SpaceX launch facility in Texas, and that’s also where he unveiled his new interplanetary rocket. It’s called the Starship—of course—and this is also where he made these very bold predictions to Rachel Crane. Take a listen. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT Your goal has always been to make us a multi-planetary species … ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Yeah. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT … to establish a colony on Mars. Tonight, today—the unveiling of Starship. Is that a turning point in that mission? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Yeah, I think this is the first time we have a real hardware of something that is capable of—with a little evolution—of being something that could create a self-sustaining city on Mars and a base on the Moon. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT And you … ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Absolutely. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT … you said, tonight, that you might be flying people in a year in this thing. ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX If the development continues to improve exponentially, then I think we could be sending people to orbit before the end of next year, you know, within a year—approximately. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT But SpaceX hasn’t put a human in space yet. How are you guys gonna do this in a year? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Well, we will be putting people into orbit soon. We will be transporting astronauts for NASA in, probably, I don’t know, three or four months to the space station. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT Yeah, on that point, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine tweeted yesterday, saying that … ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Yeah. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT … he was very excited about the event today, but he also said, quote, “Commercial Crew is years behind schedule” and “it’s time to deliver.” Did you take that … ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Did he say Commercial Crew or SLS? RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT He said Commercial Crew. ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Oh, OK. Geez. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT I mean, interchangeable. No, but, how do you respond to that? And did you take that as a dig? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Well, I mean, first of all, everything in aerospace is light-years behind, OK? It’s really a question of, relatively speaking, which one is more late [later]. So, the hardware for the high-altitude abort demonstration for Crew Dragon will be there in October. The hardware for the first crewed flight will be there in November. And so, most of the work that is required from now through [to the] flight of NASA astronauts is a long series of safety reviews. So, it’s not really hardware-related, and it’s really going as fast as we can make it go. If there’s some way to make it go fast[er], I would make it go faster. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT Let’s talk about funding. You’ve said in the past that Starship would cost between two and 10 billion dollars. [Are] you still looking at that price tag? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX I think it’s actually … RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT You laugh[ed]. ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Yeah, yeah. It’s a big range. I mean, I think it’s probably closer to two or three than it is to 10. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT Is that because of the switch to steel? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX The switch to steel is quite … is fundamental. It … I think that’s, literally, made … that might be the best design decision I’ve ever made. I can’t think of a better one. The steel is lighter than the carbon-fiber solution or lighter than the aluminum-lithium solution and costs two percent as much, so … RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT In hindsight, do you wish that you would use steel … ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Absolutely, a no-brainer. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT The climate crisis: We’ve seen protests all over the globe this month, mostly led by young people, like Greta Thunberg. ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Yeah. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT Does the public outcry … does that increase the urgency for what you guys are doing here? ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX Well, I mean, I really view what we’re doing here as making life multi-planetary as opposed to escaping Earth. I mean, I think like 99 percent of our resources should be on making sure that the future on Earth is good, but I think at least one percent of our resources should be on making life multi-planetary and extending consciousness out to other planets, both for the defensive reason of preserving the light of consciousness into the future, as well as the adventure, the excitement—I find personally more motivating than the defensive argument. RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT So, you prefer to be a[n] optimist rather than a pessimist. ELON MUSK, CEO, SPACEX I mean, I think excitement and adventure and a sense of possibility about the future are incredibly important, otherwise, why live? CNN主播 蘿蘋.柯諾 歡迎回來。SpaceX執行長伊隆.馬斯克預言他的太空旅行公司可望在一年內把人類送入軌道,花費比他原先預期的還要少好幾十億美元。週六他在SpaceX位於德州的發射場發表了這些言論,那裡也是他向大眾介紹其新型星際火箭的地方。它叫做星際飛船──可以想見──而且也是在這裡,他向芮秋.奎恩做出這些相當大膽的預測。聽聽看。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 你的目標向來是要讓我們成為跨足多個星球的物種…… SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 是啊。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 ……要在火星上建立殖民地。今晚,今天──星際飛船亮相了。這是那項任務的轉捩點嗎? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 對啊,我想這是第一次我們有一個實際的硬體是可以──稍加改進後──可以在火星上創建一個自給自足的城市,以及在月球上建立一個基地。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 而你…… SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 絕對是這樣。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 ……今晚你說你們可能可以在一年內用這東西來載人飛行。 SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 如果研發保持大幅度的進展,那麼我想我們可以在明年底之前送人進入軌道,在一年內──差不多。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 但是SpaceX還沒有把人送上太空過。你們要怎麼在一年內做到這件事呢? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 我們很快就會把人送進軌道了。我們可能會在,我不知道耶,三或四個月之內,幫美國太空總署把太空人送到太空站去。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 是喔,說到那個,美國太空總署署長吉姆.布萊登斯坦昨天推文說…… SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 是。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 ……他對於今天的活動感到很興奮,不過他也說,我引用他的話,「商業載人計畫進度已經落後好幾年了」、「該拿出成果了。」你有覺得那…… SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 他是說商業載人計畫還是太空發射系統? CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 他是說商業載人計畫。 SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 喔,好吧。老天。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 我是說,換過來說也一樣。沒有啦,不過,那個你怎麼回應?你把那看成是挖苦嗎? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 我是說,首先,太空中所有事情都是落後好幾光年的,好嗎?問題其實在於,相對來說,哪一個落後比較多。十月時載人飛龍號高空中止測試的硬體會到位。十一月時,首度載人飛行的硬體會到位。所以,從現在開始一直到載送美國太空總署太空人航行這段期間,需要做的工作大多是一連串的安全檢核。所以,不太算是跟硬體有關,而且我們已經竭盡所能加快速度。如果有方法可以讓進度更快,我會讓它更快的。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 來聊聊資金。你之前說星際飛船造價大約是二十億到一百億美元。你現在還覺得是那個價格嗎? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 我想其實…… CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 你笑了。 SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 對,對啊。這範圍很廣。我是說,我想可能比較接近二十或三十億,而不是一百億。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 那是因為換成鋼嗎? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 換成鋼是挺……是很重要的。它……我想那是,確實,讓……那可能是我做過最棒的設計決策了。我想不到更好的了。鋼比碳纖維的方案要輕,也比鋁鋰合金方案要輕,花費卻只要它們的百分之二,所以…… CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 回頭來看,你希望你用的是鋼…… SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 肯定的,想都不用想。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 氣候危機方面,這個月我們看到全球各地都有抗議活動,大部分是由年輕人主導,像是格蕾塔.通貝里。 SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 對。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 群眾的吶喊……那會增加你們正在這邊做的事情的急迫性嗎? SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 我真的認為我們在這邊做的事是要讓生命跨足多個星球,而不是逃離地球。我是說,我認為我們百分之九十九的資源應該用在確保地球的未來是好的,不過我覺得至少要有百分之一的資源是用在讓生命跨足多個星球,讓我們的意識拓展到其他星球,一方面是為了防禦性的理由,讓我們的意識之光保存到未來,一方面也是冒險,那種興奮──我個人覺得這比防禦性的論調更讓人有動力。 CNN特派員 芮秋.奎恩 所以你比較偏好當個樂觀主義者而不是悲觀主義者。 SpaceX執行長 伊隆.馬斯克 我是說,我覺得興奮和冒險,還有對於未來的可能性的感受是相當重要的,不然活著有什麼意義呢?

The rise of global Islamophobia in the War on Terror

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Author :
Publisher : Manchester University Press
ISBN 13 : 1526161745
Total Pages : 182 pages
Book Rating : 4.41/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The rise of global Islamophobia in the War on Terror by : Naved Bakali

Download or read book The rise of global Islamophobia in the War on Terror written by Naved Bakali and published by Manchester University Press. This book was released on 2022-09-06 with total page 182 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The ‘War on Terror’ ushered in a new era of anti-Muslim bias and racism. Anti-Muslim racism, or Islamophobia, is influenced by local economies, power structures and histories. However, the War on Terror, a conflict undefined by time and place, with a homogenised Muslim ‘Other’ framed as a perpetual enemy, has contributed towards a global Islamophobic narrative. This edited international volume examines the connections between interpersonal and institutional anti-Muslim racism that have contributed to the growth and emboldening of nativist and populist protest movements globally. It maps out categories of Islamophobia, revealing how localised histories, conflicts and contemporary geopolitical realities have textured the ways that Islamophobia has manifested across the global North and South. At the same time, it seeks to highlight activism and resistance confronting Islamophobia.

The Price of Panic

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Author :
Publisher : Simon and Schuster
ISBN 13 : 1684511429
Total Pages : 166 pages
Book Rating : 4.26/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Price of Panic by : Jay W. Richards

Download or read book The Price of Panic written by Jay W. Richards and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2020-10-13 with total page 166 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: WHAT JUST HAPPENED? The human cost of the emergency response to COVID-19 has far outweighed the benefits. That’s the sobering verdict of a trio of scholars—a biologist, a statistician, and a philosopher— in this comprehensive assessment of the worst panic-induced disaster in history. As the media fanned the flames of panic, government officials and a new elite of scientific experts ignored the established protocols for mitigating a dangerous disease. Instead, they shut down the world economy, closed every school, confined citizens to their homes, and threatened to enforce a regime of extreme social distancing indefinitely. And the American public—amazingly enough—complied without protest. Modestly but relentlessly focused on what we know and don’t know about the coronavirus, Douglas Axe, William M. Briggs, and Jay W. Richards demonstrate in this eye-opening study what real experts can contribute when a pandemic strikes. In the early spring of 2020, the panic of government officials, the hysteria of the media, and the hubris of suddenly powerful scientists produced a worldwide calamity. The Price of Panic is the essential book for understanding what happened and how to avoid repeating our deadly mistakes.

Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3030208249
Total Pages : 332 pages
Book Rating : 4.40/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education by : Simon Lygo-Baker

Download or read book Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education written by Simon Lygo-Baker and published by Springer. This book was released on 2019-07-01 with total page 332 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book examines the importance of exploring the varied and diverse perspectives of student experiences. In both academic institutions and everyday discourse, the notion of the ‘student voice’ is an ever-present reminder of the importance placed upon the student experience in Higher Education: particularly in a context where the financial burden of undertaking a university education continues to grow. The editors and contributors explore how notions of the ‘student voice’ as a single, monolithic entity may in fact obscure divergence in the experiences of students. Placing so much emphasis on the ‘student voice’ may lead educators and policy makers to miss important messages communicated – or consciously uncommunicated – through student actions. This book also explores ways of working in partnership with students to develop their own experiences. It is sure to be of interest and value to scholars of the student experience and its inherent diversity.

Judgment Day 2000!

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9781560433347
Total Pages : 340 pages
Book Rating : 4.45/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Judgment Day 2000! by : Richard Wiles

Download or read book Judgment Day 2000! written by Richard Wiles and published by . This book was released on 1998 with total page 340 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Contains the information that triggered the computer crash scare.

Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 13 : 047086222X
Total Pages : 688 pages
Book Rating : 4.23/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts by : David Carson

Download or read book Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts written by David Carson and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2003-07-11 with total page 688 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The second edition of this popular international handbook highlights the developing relationship between psychology and the law. Consisting of all-new material and drawing on the work of practitioners and academics from the UK, Europe, North America and elsewhere, this volume looks not only at the more traditional elements of psychology and the law - the provision of psychological assessments about individuals to the courts - but also many of the recent developments, such as the interaction between psychologists and other professionals, decision-making by judges and juries, and the shaping of social policy and political debate. Contemporary and authoritative in its scope, the second edition of The Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts will again prove to be a valuable resource for scholars and students, as well as being a vital tool for all professionals working in the field. * Well known editors and an international list of authors, most of whom are leaders in their field * Focus on psychological concepts and knowledge that will enlighten best practice and research * The focus on process and issues ensures that the book is not limited in interest by specific legal codes or legislation, it is international * More than an updating of the old chapters, really a rethinking of the field and what is now important and emerging

Office of the Inspector General Report

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9781680923131
Total Pages : 472 pages
Book Rating : 4.37/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Office of the Inspector General Report by : Michael E. Horowitz

Download or read book Office of the Inspector General Report written by Michael E. Horowitz and published by . This book was released on 2019-12-09 with total page 472 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is a hard copy of the report from the Inspector General (released December 9th, 2019) regarding the review of four FISA applications and other aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. A hardback version may be found by searching for ISBN 9781680923148. The Department of Justice (Department) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) undertook this review to examine certain actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department during an FBI investigation opened on July 31, 2016, known as "Crossfire Hurricane," into whether individuals associated with the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Our review included examining: - The decision to open Crossfire Hurricane and four individual cases on current and former members of the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn; the early investigative steps taken; and whether the openings and early steps complied with Department and FBI policies; - The FBI's relationship with Christopher Steele, whom the FBI considered to be a confidential human source (CHS); its receipt, use, and evaluation of election reports from Steele; and its decision to close Steele as an FBI CHS; - Four FBI applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in 2016 and 2017 to conduct Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance targeting Carter Page; and whether these applications complied with Department and FBI policies and satisfied the government's obligations to the FISC; - The interactions of Department attorney Bruce Ohr with Steele, the FBI, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, and the State Department; whether work Ohr's spouse performed for Fusion GPS implicated ethical rules applicable to Ohr; and Ohr's interactions with Department attorneys regarding the Manafort criminal case; and - The FBI's use of Undercover Employees (UCEs) and CHSs other than Steele in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation; whether the FBI placed any CHSs within the Trump campaign or tasked any CHSs to report on the Trump campaign; whether the use of CHSs and UCEs complied with Department and FBI policies; and the attendance of a Crossfire Hurricane supervisory agent at counterintelligence briefings given to the 2016 presidential candidates and certain campaign advisors.

The New Frontiers of Fashion Law

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Author :
Publisher : MDPI
ISBN 13 : 3039437070
Total Pages : 160 pages
Book Rating : 4.78/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The New Frontiers of Fashion Law by : Rossella Esther Cerchia

Download or read book The New Frontiers of Fashion Law written by Rossella Esther Cerchia and published by MDPI. This book was released on 2021-01-13 with total page 160 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Fashion law encompasses a wide variety of issues that concern an article of clothing or a fashion accessory, starting from the moment they are designed and following them through distribution and marketing phases, all the way until they reach the end-user. Contract law, intellectual property, company law, tax law, international trade, and customs law are of fundamental importance in defining this new field of law that is gradually taking shape. This volume focuses on the new frontiers of fashion law, taking into account the various fields that have recently emerged as being of great interest for the entire fashion world: from sustainable fashion to wearable technologies, from new remedies to cultural appropriation to the regulation of model weight, from advertising law on the digital market to the impact of new technologies on product distribution. The purpose is to stimulate discussion on contemporary problems that have the potential to define new boundaries of fashion law, such as the impact of the heightened ethical sensitivity of consumers (who increasingly require effective solutions), that a comparative law perspective renders more interesting. The volume seeks to sketch out the new legal fields in which the fashion industry is getting involved, identifying the new boundaries of fashion law that existing literature has not dealt with in a comprehensive manner.

Western Conceptions of Democracy and the Transatlantic Divide Over Democracy Promotion

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9783848764402
Total Pages : 278 pages
Book Rating : 4.07/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Western Conceptions of Democracy and the Transatlantic Divide Over Democracy Promotion by : Golareh Khalilpour

Download or read book Western Conceptions of Democracy and the Transatlantic Divide Over Democracy Promotion written by Golareh Khalilpour and published by . This book was released on 2020-04 with total page 278 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Do liberal Western democracies share a common understanding of democracy? If so, why is there a transatlantic divide over the promotion of democracy? While the US applies a bottom-up strategy in this respect, the European Union pursues a top-down approach. While there is consensus as to the desirability of the external promotion of democracy, disagreement persists as to what kinds of strategies work more effectively. This book suggests that differences between the US and Europe in terms of the promotion of democracy derive from different historical backgrounds, experiences with political modernisation and, hence, historically embedded conceptions of democracy. Democracy promoters choose instruments that advance their vision of an ideal transition and that are congruent with their respective understandings of democracy. This book's analysis of media debates in four Western democracies reveals different understandings with regard to the key aspects of democracy across the Atlantic and contributes to research on the transatlantic divide in this regard.

The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic

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Author :
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN 13 : 1440852650
Total Pages : 331 pages
Book Rating : 4.57/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic by : Ty S. Schepis Ph.D.

Download or read book The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic written by Ty S. Schepis Ph.D. and published by Bloomsbury Publishing USA. This book was released on 2018-06-21 with total page 331 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This overview of prescription drug abuse includes historical background, key concepts, and discussion of the prevalence of drug abuse, treatments, and policy issues implicated in ending the epidemic. Prescription opioid medication abuse has been declared a national crisis by experts in medicine, substance use, public health, and pain management, culminating in a declaration made by the President of the United States that opioid misuse and abuse is a national health emergency. In this comprehensive text, expert scholars analyze and address a wide range of issues in, obstacles to, and potential solutions for this emergency, which caused more than 50,000 deaths in 2016 alone. It covers a variety of topics related to prescription misuse from both clinical and academic perspectives. After an opening containing background material on the most commonly misused medications, chapters examine subgroups engaged in misuse and special medical environments where misuse issues are key. They then cover U.S. policy, perspectives outside the U.S., and theories that may explain the misuse phenomena. This book will serve as a resource for students and professionals in fields related to prescription drug abuse—including psychology, sociology, medicine, and public policy—and is accessible to individuals not trained in these fields.