Reinventing Fire

Reinventing Fire

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing

Total Pages: 4

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Authored by a world leader on energy and innovation, the book maps a robust path for integrating real, here-and-now, comprehensive energy solutions in four industries-transportation, buildings, electricity, and manufacturing-melding ...

Reinventing Fire

Reinventing Fire

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Company

Total Pages: 334

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Authored by a world leader on energy and innovation, the book maps a robust path for integrating real, here-and-now, comprehensive energy solutions.

Apollo's Fire

Apollo's Fire

Publisher: Island Press

Total Pages: 411

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

In this book the authors make the case for renewable energy and renewable energy policy. Each chapter begins with an inspiring story by someone working in renewable energy or a related field.

Reinventing Fire

Reinventing Fire

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing

Total Pages: 354

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

In Reinventing Fire, Amory Lovins and the Rocky Mountain Institute offer a new vision to revitalise business models and win the clean energy race - not forced by public policy but led by business for long-term advantage.

Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire

Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire

Publisher: PublicAffairs

Total Pages: 336

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

The time for action is running short. Rebecca Henderson's rigorous research in economics, psychology, and organizational behavior, as well as her many years of work with companies around the world, give us a path forward.

Reinventing Discovery

Reinventing Discovery

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Total Pages: 272

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

"Reinventing Discovery argues that we are in the early days of the most dramatic change in how science is done in more than 300 years.

Reinventing America's Schools

Reinventing America's Schools

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA

Total Pages: 433

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

In this book, Osborne uses compelling stories from cities like New Orleans and lays out the history and possible future of public education.

On Fire

On Fire

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Total Pages: 288

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

These are the events—the inflection points in our lives—that can determine how we feel about life now, where we are headed in the future, and how many lives we can impact along the way.

Brains on Fire

Brains on Fire

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Total Pages: 229

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Brains on Fire gives you the tools to connect with and excite your customers, launch authentic word of mouth movements, and produce exponential returns over the long term.

Reinventing Nature?

Reinventing Nature?


Total Pages: 216

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Reinventing Nature? is an interdisciplinary investigation of how perceptions and conceptions of nature affect both the individual experience and society's management of nature.

Reinventing the Wheel

Reinventing the Wheel

Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press

Total Pages: 164

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

A delightful look at the history of the information wheel

Reinventing the Melting Pot

Reinventing the Melting Pot

Publisher: Basic Books

Total Pages: 348

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Contributors to Reinventing the Melting Pot include Michael Barone, Stanley Crouch, Herbert Gans, Nathan Glazer, Michael Lind, Orlando Patterson, Gregory Rodriguez, and Stephan Thernstrom.