A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care

A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Total Pages: 544

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

This new edition has been fully revised and updated to provide over 1,800 A-Z definitions of terms from the field of social care, concentrating on social work as a significant area within this field.

The Social Work Dictionary

The Social Work Dictionary

Publisher: N A S W Press

Total Pages: 546

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

This edition holds place as an invaluable and highly acclaimed ready reference for definitions, organizations, concepts, and values relevant to social work and human services.

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Publisher: Routledge

Total Pages: 194

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Although first published in 1989, this book will be a valuable resource for students of social work, social policy and social welfare.

The Social Work Dictionary

The Social Work Dictionary

Publisher: Silver Spring, Md. : National Association of Social Workers

Total Pages: 207

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

THE HUSBAND. Bernard said his life began when he met his wife. But, like everyone, he's got a past. And it's threatening to catch up with him. AND A WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE AT SEA. Frankie Gleeson is a fellow passenger.

Understanding Social Work

Understanding Social Work

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education (UK)

Total Pages: 267

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Introduces students to the evolution of social work and enhances understanding of contemporary policy and practice.

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Publisher: Routledge

Total Pages: 220

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Professor Noel W Timms, Rita Timms, Noel Timms. work and field social work (as, for example, in the expression 'field team') is not easily summarised and is beginning to give way before a certain flexibility of role (e.g. staff in a ...

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Dictionary of Social Welfare

Publisher: Routledge

Total Pages: 217

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

... community care)? How necessary are the elements of compulsion often considered to be an essential part of services for the mentally ill? How wide is the definition of mental illness drawn and what influence do social conditions and ...

What is Professional Social Work?

What is Professional Social Work?

Publisher: Policy Press

Total Pages: 232

Type:PDF / eBOOK / ePub

Important features of this new edition include: § practical ways of analysing personal professional identity § understanding how social workers embody their profession in their practice with other professionals § detailed analysis of ...